Andy Lau and Du Juan for Y-3!



Outside of film premieres and similar functions, it’s rare to see mega-stars such as Andy Lau in person. So it came as something of a surprise to see the legendary actor / singer twice in one day last week.

I first caught a glimpse of Andy Lau alongside Mainland model Du Juan and fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto during the christening of a new Y-3 shop in Tsim Sha Tsui.


The K11 “art mall”, the site of the new shop, was crowded with fans jostling for photos from the balconies.


After a brief ribbon-cutting ceremony, the actor and other celebrities posed for a few shots inside the store.

[photopress:Du_Juan_model_China_Y3_andy_lau.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:Andy_Lau_Hong_Kong_Y3_HK.jpg,full,pp_image]

Andy Lau’s fans pressed up against the windows of the shop just to catch a look!


The celebration continued later that night with a fashion show and party at the Hong Kong Exhibition Center.

Unexpectedly, Andy Lau also made an appearance at the show. Stars of his caliber almost never attend these type of events.

Local party-goers were somewhat shocked to see him. As a testament to his enduring star-power, most of the people in the VIP section swarmed the area where he was sitting. (If you’re in the VIP section, aren’t you at least supposed to pretend to be cool?)

It’s no wonder stars on that level don’t attend events more frequently. It can’t be any fun to have random people pointing cameras at you every second. In heavily attended nightlife events, it also represents a logistical nightmare to provide security and facilitate a smooth entry and exit.

The Exhibition Center is a great space for a party. There are few buildings with such a large open floor plan.

[photopress:Y_3_Hong_Kong_store_HK_address.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:Yohji_Yamamoto_Y3_fashion_show_HK.jpg,full,pp_image]

When the fashion show began, Andy Lau crept up behind me to have a look. (I knew there must have been some reason for the cameras suddenly aiming at me!)



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