The legend returns! Eric HAZE!

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eric haze graffiti tag fingercroxx store hong kong
Classic New York graffiti from an innovator and pioneer!

In town for his new collaboration with Fingercroxx, Eric Haze gave a quick demonstration of what originally made him famous!

At an in-store event in Causeway Bay, Eric went about putting up his signature tag – HAZE, followed by a background in the thick and dripping lettering that his pieces often feature.

The tag alone is a rich lesson in the art of graffiti. It exemplifies the elegance and style that allowed him to rise to the top of New York’s graffiti world in the 1980’s.

Check out the video below and watch how he puts it all together! Pay close attention to the major stylistic points such as the star, the curl on the end of the letter ‘e’, the quotes, the halo, the arrow, and the cloud.

The HAZE x Fingercroxx (FGXX) collection consists of shirts, hats, and shorts. It’s a men’s collection, but actress Dada Chan was on hand to testify that girls can wear it too!

dada chan hk model leng mo photo actress hk
Old school graffiti guys got the charm and finesse!

HAZE never forgot his roots. After the live painting demonstration he paused to place his tag in someone’s ‘black book’.

haze tagging black book with his graffiti tag
In an age of poseurs, HAZE keeps it real

For more background on Eric, and to read which internationally known logos he has designed (hint extremely big names in Hip Hop!) have a look at our previous posts about him here and here.

haze x fgxx doormat
Coolest gift in a while… a HAZE x FGXX doormat!
eric haze it hong kong fingercroxx store
Eric Haze poses in front of his finished work
haze x fgxx clothing line t-shirt
Guerilla art spreads the word about the HAZE x FGXX collection

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