Lily + Bloom, swank and sultry above LKF



LKF Tower, which houses the LKF Hotel as well as popular spots Tazmania Ballroom, Azure, and Finds, has two new attractions. The recent additions, Lily and Bloom, opened by the people behind Volar and Halo, occupy an interesting two-level space.

Lily, on the sixth floor, is primarily a lounge, while Bloom on the fifth level is a restaurant and raw bar. The two are connected by an ornate wooden staircase.

The vibe at Lliy and Bloom is much different from the group’s previous venues, or for that matter, anything else in the neighborhood.

The spaces have a mixture of influences, and the mature decor features lots of wood with a dark, sultry vibe. In the back there’s a two-story atrium with an interior balcony that offers Lily’s guests a glimpse down into Bloom.


At first glance, Lily reminded me a little of The Pawn, but with more of a New York twist. This is sort of amazing since The Pawn is housed in an old heritage building, while LKF Tower is a very recent construction. (Is it just me or does it seem like New York inspired spaces are getting more and more common in Hong Kong?) The interior of Lily features large wooden booths which give it an upscale tavern / supper-club type atmosphere.

Lily and Bloom are a smart, more adult alternative to the group’s other spaces in the neighborhood. Though still in soft opening when I visited, Lily already was attracting a large, high caliber crowd. The same faces you find at the group’s other venues made up the early adopter clientele.

LKF Tower’s ties to Hong Kong clubland

It’s interesting to note that three of the city’s top clubs all have a presence in LKF Tower. Finds, one of the earliest tenants, was opened by the people behind Drop; Tazmania Ballroom is the new offering from the Dragon-i people, and now Lily and Bloom arrive from the Volar / Halo / Roxie gang.



6/F, LKF Tower
33 Wyndham Street
Use the LKF Hotel entrance (just above Lan Kwai Fong)
Central, Hong Kong

5/F, LKF Tower
33 Wyndham Street
Use the LKF Hotel entrance (just above Lan Kwai Fong)
Central, Hong Kong


  • Can anyone explain to me what on earth people mean by ‘new york style’? I have lived in NY and I have never heard anyone in NY use that phrase, in fact I dont think I have ever heard it being used other than here in HK. New York is a melting pot. You can get any style there. From corporate mid town such as four season at the Seagram building, to lower east side hipster bars, or meat packing which is becoming horribly bridge and tunnel. Then you have dive bars such as Ear Inn. And countless diners. Bagels from the street vendor? Quiet sophistication at upper east side neighbourhood restaurants perhaps? Or super exclusive nightclubs that are impossible to get into, or are impossible to find due to secret location. Or is it that everyone wants to try the newest restaurant, which is hot for a couple of months then dies (this seems very much like HK)?
    And this is just manhattan, I havent even mentioned brooklyn. There is no NY style and anyone using this immediately lose any credibility.
    Example: when Red Soho opened they had a bigg banner outside saying ‘New York Inspired Menu’. At the time I had a visit from an old friend who is a very experienced executive chef at one of NY’s best restaurants. He laughted out loud and took several pictures of this to show his friends back home.

  • Unfortunately, your comment shows how little you actually know about New York. ‘New York style’ simply refers to something that has New York origins or is commonly found in New York. The term can be applied to anything.

    While it’s true that New York is diverse and contains influences from all over the world, it’s undeniable that there are certain things that one can associate with New York.

    In Hong Kong marketing speak, the term might often be misused, however there are definitely times when it’s correct and appropriate.

    For example, it’s true to say that there’s been a recent influx of New York style restaurants in Hong Kong. Posto Pubblico, an Italian-American eatery is a good example of this trend, having imported its menu, character, and decor from a tradition that is typically found in New York.

    Likewise, Lily and Bloom have a sophisticated, adult sort of panache that is reminiscent of upscale dining establishments in New York.

    Regarding your specific example, I saw the same banner you mentioned outside of Red. Let me explain it to you. It had to do with the brand of hotdogs they serve which is popular in New York, but uncommon in Asia. (The brand, Hebrew National, wasn’t even available in other parts of the U.S. until very recently!)

    If you or your chef friend were native New Yorkers and well traveled, you would have understood this immediately. There are plenty of examples of restaurants claiming ‘New York style’ which are laughable, but this wasn’t one of them.

  • Well said Administrator! Notice how the dude said “I have lived in New York”? Obviously he’s not even from there. What does he know, right?! He’s probably only spent a short time in New York and has the audacity to call himself “thenewyorker”!! Laughable!!

  • I admit that calling myself ‘thenewyorker’ was wrong, I cannot claim such a nickname, I guess I am just as bad as the HK restaurant chains 🙁 Then again most people who live on manhattan (which I believe is what HK restaurants mean by new york) are not born there but are either immigrants or from somewhere else in the US. That makes NY such a vibrant place. My issue with all these HK restaurants claiming a ‘new york style’ these days is that I do not know why they claim this, and I am not sure they know themselves. I my view there is a focus on the quality of food, drinks and service in NY – all of which seems to be sadly lacking here in HK. When union J, Posto, 208 etc opened the food was of a refreshingly good standard for HK. But then something happens, after a few months standards decline and mediocracy takes over. To me NY means great food, great service and fantastic atmosphere.
    HK is the NY of Asia. Lets embrace that and wish for all these qualities but with a HK twist. In the end it is up to us consumers, lets not get blinded by marketing but look for real quality, soul and passion from our restauranteurs.

  • I like what you have to say here. We’ve talked about this exact topic before. Please read our earlier post about why Hong Kong doesn’t have good pizza. I rarely go out to eat for Western food because it sucks most of the time (and I’m also a good cook!). I’d rather go to Din Tai Fung (in Causeway Bay) any day of the week.

    Most of the places that open up are posers, exactly as you mentioned in your first comment. They claim to be a certain style of cuisine, but are just a ‘concept’ and don’t deliver on the food. The Soho neighborhood is full of places like this. They are simply applying a formula, with no authenticity, and no commitment to the food.

    I actually don’t like most of the trendy new restaurants that are popping up these days either. I just want good food. It’s really lame how people buy into the image of many of these new places, and flock to them. Yuppies are such sheep.

    Hong Kong’s single greatest problem, that effects nearly everything in the city, is the high cost of land. If rents were cheaper there would be much more variety because restaurants would be more economically viable as a business. You’d find people committed to good food opening them up, rather than just restaurant groups applying their formulas.

  • ease-up @newyorker. “new york style” just refers to the lounge type atmosphere…it’s not meant to describe every place that NYC has to offer.

  • “thenewyorker”… I am from Boston (and unlike you, my Mother was actually born and raised in New York City (Manhattan.) … So spent time there too.
    I have lived in Boston, Dallas, and San Francisco. Trust me, each city does have a style. I live in Bangkok now, and am heading to Hong Kong next week. When I ask my girlfriend(from HK) what a restaurant is like and she says “New York Style’ … believe me, I know what it means. So do many people who understand that each city has a “vibe” which others try to emulate. Your pseudo snobby defense of NYC smells suspiciously like a bridge and/or tunnel.(By the way, the “New England Clam Chowder” in NYC is NOT “Wicked Good!”)

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