WHAT? HKH is cited in the Wikipedia entry for Chungking Express?

chungking express wong kar wai chung king hk movie
chungking express wong kar wai chung king hk movie
The old California Tower, immortalized in Wong Kar Wai’s “Chungking Express”

Looks like our little post about the demise of California Tower has made it big-time. The story was included as a citation, or footnote in the Wikipedia entry for the beloved Wong Kar Wai film, Chungking Express. We are honored!

I actually was meant to catch Chung King Express for the first time back in 1995 at a cinema in Chinatown in New York, but ended up going to the theater on the wrong day (doh!). I finally ended up watching it in 1996 in Hawaii. I had to journey to some strange room on a university campus, and when I saw the film I was totally blown away!

I think it’s time for a re-watching to see if it still lives up to my memories. Check out our post about California Tower here, and on a related note, read about the demise of the Midnight Express snack stand (where Fay Wong worked in the movie).

Meanwhile, have a look at this action-packed trailer for the Hong Kong movies playing in the New York Asian Film Festival, which starts on June 28th.

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