Hong Kong Hardcore!


We’re talking high-intensity adrenaline producing riffs, swirling mosh pits and stage dives. The action takes place Saturday, October 20th, at 7:30 pm. Billed as ‘Life Show Vol.8’, the event features a special performance by headliners, The Geeks, a Hardcore band from Korea. The local music scene veterans, King Ly Chee, together for eight years already accompany them, as do Shepherds the Weak, Embryo, and The Squawk.

The venue is The Warehouse aka Warehouse Teenage Club in Aberdeen. The street address is 116 Aberdeen Road, Aberdeen, HK (香港仔大道 116號). Tickets are $90 at the door.

Want a taste of what you’d be getting into? Check out the band’s MySpace pages here:
The Geeks, King Ly Chee , Shepherds The Weak , Embryo, The Squawk

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