Miya Ando solo exhibit “Light Metal”



Artist Miya Ando, who creates fascinating contemporary works using ancient sword smith techniques is opening a solo show titled “Light Metal” on Thursday, February 13th. The artist, who grew up in Japan and California, works primarily in steel and aluminum. Miya employs both traditional methods as well as her own innovations to achieve gradients and tones not normally associated with metal.

Miya was part of a group show last year at the Sundaram Tagore Gallery in which she contributed a metal kimono.

Over the years she’s created a wide range of objects using her own fusion techniques, including a metal skateboard.

The Brooklyn-based artist has had a number of important public works including a thirty-foot tall sculpture made of World Trade Center steel to commemorate the tenth anniversary of 9/11.


Miya Ando “Light Metal”

Opening reception with the artist
Thursday, February 13th, 2014
6:30 to 8:30pm
Sundaram Tagore Gallery
57-59 Hollywood Road
Central, Hong Kong

Show dates: February 13th to March 22nd, 2014

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Light Metal" on Thursday, February 13th. The artist, who grew up in Japan and California, works primarily in steel and aluminum." />