Batman in Hong Kong?


Last month I read something about the latest installment of Hollywood’s Batman franchise coming to shoot in Hong Kong. I didn’t think too much about it until I was running a small errand in my neighborhood and I stumbled upon the set.

The escalator, the main vein into the area was completely blocked off! People were being re-routed onto the street where there were already hundreds of onlookers.

[photopress:Escalator_Hong_Kong_film.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:Batman_HK_filming.jpg,full,pp_image]

Looking up I could tell that they were filming a scene of Morgan Freeman meeting briefly with someone. I was below the escalator at the time on Lyndhurst Terrace and paused long enough to take a few quick shots of the interaction.

[photopress:Morgan_Freeman_Batman_HK.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:Batman_Scene_Hong_Kong.jpg,full,pp_image]

I would have thought that it was just a conference with the director, but they were holding a mic above their heads, and filming with a hand held camera, so I presume it was an actual scene in the film.

A day later I was out at night and got introduced to the still photographer and a few other Batman crew members. They mentioned that they would be filming Batman jumping off of The Center, one of my favorite Hong Kong buildings the next night.


By chance, on my way back from the IFC a day later, I passed by on the escalator, and there were indeed barriers set up with dozens of onlookers staking out The Center.


I wonder if they will call the city Gotham in the film, or if they will integrate it as a foreign location? Either way, it makes me more interested in catching the movie!

1 Comment

  • I wandered into that too and stuck around to watch at the exact same time. I managed to stake out a spot on the escalators to get a close up or two of Christian Bale. That scene you saw was where Morgan Freeman and Christian finish a conversation and then part ways. Christian actually walked out of the cordoned off area into the real crowd before the director said ‘cut’.

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