Hong Kong International Film Festival!

hkiff hong kong film festival hk

The 32nd Hong Kong International Film Festival is set to begin on March 17th. This is the time of year you get to see films that otherwise wouldn’t make it to Hong Kong cinemas.

The festival has an extensive website that lists the films and the show times, however I find the best way to get a grasp on the hundreds of movies is to pick up a copy of their program guide. The guides are free and can usually be found at art venues around the city. For example, the Cultural Centre in T.S.T., City Hall in Central, and the Wanchai Arts Center, will all have copies sitting around. Inside you’ll find more information about the festival and a synopsis of the movies.

The festival has several distinct programs that focus on particular subjects or themes. The films come from all over the world, but there is also an emphasis on movies from around the region. The Hong Kong Panorama section offers a special chance to attend the premier of new Hong Kong films before their general release as well as the opportunity to catch notable local films you may have missed during the year.

Tickets to certain films in the festival sell out fast. Don’t kick yourself later that you missed a film. Grab a program guide and book your tickets in advance!

Have a look at last year’s celebrity-filled film fest coverage.

Hong Kong International Film Festival
March 17th to April 6th
In venues all over the city

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