Hong Kong Stars’ favorite candy? Rio Mints!


In perhaps the most celebrity-filled event since the Hong Kong Film Awards, Dragon-i hosted the launch of Rio Active Mints, a new luxury mint brand founded by Daniel Zigal, Alastair Lam, and Jaycee Chan.


At the entrance to the event there were five jars of samples to try. I snagged a few boxes with exotic flavor combinations such as guarana and berries, and lemongrass with ginseng. One word to describe them – addictive! Not only are the flavors enticing, but the packaging is both convenient and fun. You release a mint by sliding the metal box-top in a motion similar to opening a mobile phone.

Dragon-i has been host to some wild, raging parties over the last four years, and this one ranks among the top of them.

The three main movers behind the brand have a large network of friends each from different fields.


Jaycee Chan, who is a rising actor and singer, received support at the launch from the entire roster of stars at the Emperor Group, his management company. Of course his father Jackie Chan was there to lend his support as well. Other stars in attendance included actress Isabella Leong, as well as Charlene Choi from TWINS.


Daniel, who is a regular face on Hong Kong’s party scene was joined by the top players in the city’s nightlife who came out to celebrate with him. Alastair’s contacts from Hong Kong’s business world were also out in force. Movers and shakers of all stripes merged together giving the party a fun vibe and making it a truly special event.

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Check out the video of the night from Hot Party TV!


Rio Mints are currently available in Hong Kong’s 7-11 stores.


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