Yeti Crew Art Basel mayhem + Cakeshop Seoul returns!

yeti out cakeshop seoul hong kong art basel hk

The Yeti crew, a Hong Kong / Shanghai music powerhouse formed by DJing brothers Tom and Arthur Bray, are serving up five post Art Basel events this week. Unlike the typical sterile venues that offer no local vibe, attending the Yeti parties you’re certain to taste a bit of Hong Kong flavor.

Several of the spots they selected have a strong neighborhood feel. These include a “disco” in a seedy part of Wanchai, an African restaurant inside Kowloon’s infamous Chung King Mansions, and a nondescript drinking hole adjacent to the city’s lengthy escalator.

All of the events are free, although some may require guest-list. Have a look at the flyers below for more info.

yeti hong kong art basel 2017

Cakeshop Seoul’s Art Basel pop-up is back!

One of our favorite events from last year’s Art Basel was a pop-up collaboration between Seoul’s Cakeshop club and the Yeti gang. This year the Cakeshop crew, including Djs Kingmck and Soulscape are back again at the same location. Read our post from last year to find out exactly why you shouldn’t miss these events which take place on March 23rd and 24th.

Cakeshop seoul Yeti hk pop-up art basel

Cakeshop seoul Yeti hong kong hk pop-up club art basel

The list of performers this year is indeed impressive and includes DJs from London and Mexico City. Have a look at the event listing for further details.

Le Baron Shanghai, Art Basel Hong Kong pop-up

The progressive Shanghai nightclub Le Baron is also hosting several events during the week. Our friend DJ Wordy will be playing, along with several others.

le-baron hong kong hk art-basel 2017 party young lord asap bari

le baron hong kong art-basel-2017 dj wordy

There are so many events taking place, it’s difficult to keep them all straight. Below are a few more invites, and a summary of the events that Yeti are involved in.

adidas 50th hong kong hk party

Hotshot photographer and influencer, Christina Paik is launching her book Meufs at Art Basel.

christina paik meufs exhibit hong kong hk

yeti out hong kong hk art basel okokok chungking mansions

yeti out hong-kong shanghai dj art basel after dark


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