Surf art, swimsuits dazzle at Quiksilver!



Quiksilver recently held an event inside a vacant store in Hong Kong’s Soho neighborhood. The combination art exhibition / fashion show drew a crowd that spilled out onto Staunton Street, the area’s main thoroughfare. The guerrilla fashion show which was staged in the center of the venue, featured model Cara G. and a set of twins!

The Quiksilver Art on Foam exhibition was brought to life by Surf Rock music from the 1960’s that provided a great soundtrack to the artwork.


The narrow storefront was filled with fifteen surfboards painted by international artists including pro-skater Andy Howell, Australian artist Peter Webb, German artist Flying Fortress, Australian musician-artist Reg Mombassa, the UK Scrawl Collective’s Mr Jago, English artist Lucy McLauchlan, French illustrator Jean Linnhoff, and American artist Randy Noborikawa. Several local artists also contributed boards.

[photopress:Quicksilver_party_Hong_Kong.jpg,full,pp_image] Quicksilver_party_Hong_Kong




The Art on Foam exhibition is currently traveling around the world.

Despite the heat, and the fact that the event was far from the nearest beach, the night was a fun event with a good vibe.


The crowd enjoyed the informal setting and stayed at the venue much later than anticipated.

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