Bowen Road Path

Yes, it’s really Hong Kong!

After hearing about the walk along Bowen Road for many years, I finally had the chance to check it out. The path along Bowen Road is spectacular. It is completely flat and extends for several miles, snaking along the hills above five Hong Kong neighborhoods.

Taking the walk on a clear day will give you a better understanding and appreciation of Hong Kong. The Bowen Road walk winds all the way from the Mid-Levels neighborhood to Stubbs Road. It goes through steep hillsides thick with vegetation and next to remote mansions tucked away. Walking along the path you come away with an appreciation for how the island has been built up. You have an excellent view of the back of neighborhoods like Wanchai, and can see the jumble of buildings that form the city.

Back of buildings, Wanchai

The back of Wanchai from Bowen Road

Stopping by a park along the way I discovered this cool industrial tunnel. They left it unlocked so I snuck in and took a photo! I could see Darth Vader hanging out in a place like this!

Industrial tunnel built into a mountain

One of the more interesting buildings that you can see from the path appears to be extremely thin from the side. It is built with windows covering nearly all sides to take advantage of the superior views. It’s almost at the end of the path, close to Stubbs Road.

Thin building with amazing view!

View from the front

1 Comment

  • Thanks for sharing the pics!

    I walked very often on the Bowen Road Path in 2006. I like the view from there, it is really a beautiful place. In my flickr-account I have some pictures taken from this path.

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