Kanye + Pharrell + Nigo = concert of the year?


The anticipation for the World Wide Bape Heads Show in HITEC on Thursday night was intense. Kanye West and Pharrell Williams are two of the biggest names in contemporary music. Aside from their strong personal performances, part of what differentiates them from others involved in Pop is their well-rounded musicianship and their talented bands. FULL POST COMING SOON!



  • Hi,

    I know, I’ve been seriously slacking with finishing this post! I took over 500 photos at the concert and it’s painful going through that many choosing the best! Hope I can complete it today… No, I didn’t catch the Wyclef show either. I was a big fan of the Fugees first hit – Nappy Heads remix produced by Salaam Remi. Without him they wouldn’t have gone nearly as far. Check out his Wikipedia entry here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salaam_Remi

  • Where’s the full post?!?!?!?! 😛 ….we’re still waiting…..

    …oh and yes Wyclef totally rocked the house. He was dancing and singing on the bar! Damn I should have taken pics.

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