Dragon-I 3rd Anniversary w Louie Vega!

Partying at D.I.’s 3rd anniversary

Another hectic night! Started off at a dinner to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Dragon-I, one of the top clubs in Hong Kong. I’m there at least 3 times a week, and I still dig the place. Of course my favorite night is Tuesday when you can talk with people, and the music is whatever the d.j. wants to play.

Gilbert, the club’s owner is usually the last d.j. to go on, and he plays classic House music. He’s one of the few d.j.s in H.K. with an extensive collection. On Tuesday’s he plays excellent stuff that is rarely heard anywhere else in the city. I’ve stayed at Dragon-I until 6am on a Tuesday night / Wednesday morning enjoying the music.

I’m always skeptical of clubs that have food, or restaurants that turn into clubs, but I have to say that the food at Dragon-I is excellent. Although they have an extensive menu with some complex choices, I actually love the simple home-style Chinese dishes. They are always prepared perfectly, and the ingredients are all high-quality.

Now that’s entertainment! Sparks fly!

After the dinner a friend was having a party for Belvedere vodka. I stopped by there and ran into a few friends. After about an hour, I went to Sugar, where there was a launch of Carat, the diamond brand. An hour later I headed over the Kee Club, and finally I was back at Dragon-I just in time to hear Little Louie Vega put on his first record of the night. Louie Vega is billed as “the Miles Davis” of House music – which is quite a title!

Although I don’t know too much about House music, I enjoyed listening to a master at work! He plays the type of House that I used to hear in clubs in N.Y., and not the soul-less background music that most d.j.s play (under the guise of “deep House”.) Gilbert is a huge fan of Louie Vega, and it was fun to see him fulfill the dream of having him d.j. at Dragon-I.

Masters At Work!

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