Cashmere Cat comes to Volar!

cashmere cat hong kong volar hk

Cashmere Cat, the Norwegian turntablist turned hotshot producer went from relative obscurity to producing high-profile acts like Kanye West, The Weeknd, Ludacris and Ariana Grande. Right before his appearance at Summersonic Japan, he’ll be playing at Volar, Thursday, August 18th.

Cashmere Cat is one of those rare producers respected by both underground music heads and Pop fans. His most recent work includes the song Wolves, off of Kanye’s “The Life of Pablo” project. Though he now works with many big names, it was his own original creations that skyrocketed him to the forefront of the music world and caused the industry to sit up and take notice.

From sophisticated orchestral-like compositions, to bare minimum, dirty dance beats, and even tender, sensual slow jams, he has a knack for melodies and catchy refrains. Cashmere Cat’s sound is personified by his early work, the Mirror Maru EP, which is available to listen to on his Soundcloud page.

On his first visit to Hong Kong, Cashie Cat played at the Mad Decent block party, so this is his first full set in a Hong Kong club. With his career continuing to rise, this might be the last time you can catch him in a smallish venue.

Highly recommended!

Cashmere Cat in Hong Kong

Thursday, August 18th, 2016
Basment, 38-44 D’Aguilar Street
Central, Hong Kong

Tickets are available in advance in multiple packages.
Before 12:30AM $250 with two drinks
After 12:30AM $250 with one drink

They are also available at the door:
Before 12:30AM $300 with two drinks
After 12:30AM $350 with two drinks

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