New Balance – 574 Hungry Dragon

new balance hong kong sneaker store shoe

new balance hong kong sneaker store shoe

Monday night I was invited to check out the launch of the New Balance 574 Hungry Dragon shoe. The event was mostly for the media and was held at Dragon-i in Central. In addition to the shoes, there was also a limited edition denim line being touted which is a three way collaboration between New Balance, Eric Kot, and Yoropiko.


The highlight of the event was the performance by Expression Crew, a top international B-Boy group from Korea. A costumed, structured routine followed by several more free-flowing sessions allowed them to show the full range of their moves. Expression Crew have won several major awards in B-Boy competitions around the world. In addition to the dancers, a human beatbox also accompanied them and performed a few songs.


To see more photos and watch videos of the B-Boys and beatboxer in action…

Here’s a close-up of the 574 Hungry Dragon. I believe it comes in three different colors. Three members of the press each won a pair in a lucky-draw! (Hong Kong LOVES a lucky draw. It’s basically a raffle. In this case, the shoe designer stuck his hand into a bowl of business cards and fished out three winners.)

The first routine by Expression Crew featured camouflage-like costumes. It didn’t stop them from being noticed!

[photopress:NewBalanceExpressionCrewOpe.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:NewBalanceBBoyCostume.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:NewBalanceExpressionBboyHan.jpg,full,pp_image]

The finale session took place in normal b-boy attire.


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