
Danny Krivit at Dragon-i

Unfortunately, I was stuck far from Central on Saturday night, and it looked like I was going to miss catching Danny Krivit, one of…

adidas adicolor hong kong hk party

Adidas Adicolor Party

In addition to high-end fashion shows, I also end up regularly attending street fashion events. Street fashion is big business. While a small percentage…

D.J. Premier at Dragon-i

As a follow up to my previous entry about D.J. Premier coming to H.K., here’s a quick rundown of his performance. There was a…

D.J. Gregory at Dragon-i

On Saturday, January 7th, D.J. Gregory from Paris is going to return to Dragon-i. He played here last year at Kee Club on the…

Nadia’s exhibition

My good friend Nadia just finished a collection of 100 cards titled – The Diary of Destiny. I guess it’s more like a ‘deck’…

Monday Night

After a long weekend of partying, the last thing I needed was a hectic Monday night. I forgot that Tuesday was a holiday, and…